The Upper Makefield Republican Committee
To preserve and protect the character of our township and the integrity of our community by working to elect to local, state, and federal office highly qualified candidates who believe in the principles on which our country was founded: individual freedom, personal responsibility, and the opportunity for everyone to achieve their dreams.
To promote the public interest by advancing core Republican ideals in government and our community, and to promote the cause of the Republican Party by recruiting, endorsing and working to elect qualified Republican candidates, particularly at the local township level.​
Your Elected Republican
District 1
Donna Parell: dparell.umtd1@gmail.com (732-762-3709)
Angelo Franco: angizcj@gmail.com (215-778-1533)
District 2
Cheryl Schrier (Vice Chair): cschrier@bcssnet.com (215-778-6247)
Tim Duffy (Chair): tjduff1966@gmail.com (215-720-6206)
District 3
Diana Nolan: dianajnolan@gmail.com (609-610-7897)
John Reed (Secretary): johnreedUMT3@gmail.com (610-659-9459)
District 4
Francine Durcan (Treasurer): Francine.durcan@gmail.com (609-462-2329)
Craig Beverley: Craig.beverley@verizon.net (215-534-1474)